Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We all make mistakes aka "You have beautiful testicles"

Every week I teach a new group of teachers, and part of my introduction is a mini speech, that is half in English and half Mongolian. It gets us acquainted really quick, bonds us as teachers and foreign language learners, and is funny. So here is my intro speech ^_^.

Hi! My name is Cassandra, but you can call me Cass, Anu, or Teacher. But please, please, please do not call me bagsh (teacher). I am not a bagsh, I am a teacher. You are not bagshnar, you are teachers. If your students call you bagsh they are thinking in ... Mongolian. If they call you "Teacher" then they are thinking in ... English! And that makes the learning process easier. Now, I know and understand Mongolian, but because this is a Speaking and Listening class, we want to use English as much as possible. If you don't know a word, use a different word, or describe what you are talking about. When I first moved into my ger I didn't know the word orts (felt flap that covers the hole in the roof of the ger). So one day it starts raining and water is coming into the hole in my ger, and I run next door and yell "Migaa akhaa, tuslaarai, geriin malgai yaj khaakh ve?" ("Migaa brother, help, how do I close the ger's hat?) :::pause for laughter::: I didn't know the correct word, but by using words I did know he was able to understand me. So lets us as much English as we can. Also, I know that we are all teachers, but we never stop learning. All of you are here because you want to improve your English. And because this is the speaking class it is important that you speak! Don't be shy! Don't be afraid to make mistakes! I make mistakes all the time! Once I was talking with this women, and she had such beautiful eyebrows that I wanted to tell her, so I said, "Egchee ta yamar saikhan tomsogtoi!" ("Sister, you have beautiful testicles") :::pause for laughter::: She looks and me very strangely and asks, "Tomsog gej uu?" ("Did you say testicles?") :::pause again for laughter::: I thought for a second before I realized my mistake. "Ugui, ugui, ugui, tomsog bish! Homsog! Ta yamar saikhan homsogtoi!" ("No, no, no, not testicles! Eyebrows! You have beautiful eyebrows") :::pause yet again for laughter::: So you see, its okay to make mistakes! We can do it! So now instead of me just standing here and introducing myself to you, I want you to ask me questions. What do you want to know about me?

So that's my into speech. Awesome huh? The testicles story is true. I also told a man that I ate a person's head and eyes. This is because the words for sheep and person (hun hoon) are sooooo similar! In fact I hate the Cyrillic vowels: Ү, У, Ө, and О...they are soooo similar. My ear is starting to hear the difference (after 2 years), however my mouth refuses to cooperate. Stupid American mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


he he that was hilarious. Amjilt huseye