Sunday, April 5, 2009

I want a kabob

Before I shower and go eat a kabob, I feel like I should update, because I know that I wont be back online for a while. But what is there to update about??? I feel that much of me has remained the same, while the world moves on. Peace Corps service is almost over, and a good number of the M18s (my group) have already left. While so many are getting ready to return to America, I feel a bit like the odd duck out as I am staying. Yeah there will be a lot of new people coming, but I am out of the Peace Corps world, and I think it would be a bit wierd. Also, I'm lazy.

I was also asked the question last night of "Is Peace Corps really worth it? Is all the work really worth it in the end?" For me the answer is yes. And fully realizing that and knowing that is a nice way to end my Peace Corps service. Okay, well I'm tired and there isn't much else to say...will try to be more through in the future.

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