Monday, April 13, 2009

Tell Them What They've Won!!!

Horray for my 100th entry! To celebrate I'm going to the hospital! Yey...???

Actually I've already been to the hospital today. I just get to go back tomorrow. It seems that the dixie cup of urine, the 2 giant tubes of blood, and the multiple ultrasounds of various internal organs resulted in no conclusive diagnosis. Yes there are quite a few extra white blood cells floating around, traces of blood in my urine, and all the signs of a kidney stone...but no stone. Hm...

So tomorrow I will go back and get an IVP (intravenous pyelogram: an X-ray test that can show the size, shape, and position of the urinary tract, including the kidneys and ureters. During IVP, a dye called contrast material is injected into a vein (intravenous, IV) in your arm. Then, a series of X-ray pictures is taken at timed intervals.) Its supposed to not hurt. But like the gremlins I'm not allowed to eat or drink after midnight.

I feel better that I have in a while. Maybe I passed the stone last night and that is why I hurt so bad for those 4ish hours. Hopefully this is the case.

Also, the "Korean" Hospital I went to was really nice. I've been in a number of hospitals in various parts of Monglia (countryside, town, and city) and while some were okay, many of them scared me a little, though that might have been because of the sovietesq construction. However, this hospital was nice. It almost didn't feel like a hospital (I think it was the rugs instead of tile floors that made it feel so). They staff was very efficient, the prices moderate, the doctors very professional and highly qualified. I really enjoied my time there...well as much as one can enjoy such an experience. I also have a nifty medical card so that in the future they can easily call up information should I need it. It reminds me of a library card, and that makes me happy, I love library cards. Although they spelled my name "Cassandre".

So that is the update. Now to treat myself to some salad and possibly a "smoothie". Will let you know when there is more to be let known.

1 comment:

Ray said...

Hey Cassandra, hope you get over that kindney thing soon. Sorry I have not writen you sooner although I am always thinking about you. Keep your head up and be safe.:)
Love, Uncle Ray.

PS Come home soon.