Sunday, April 5, 2009

Temporary Address

Since I will be at the training seminar for the next 4 months or so, and won't be getting out to my site very often (if ever) until its over, I would recomend that any letters, packages, etc. be sent to the following address:

Касандра Вайнэр
Энх Тайвны Корпyс
Тов Шyyдан
Шyyдангийн хайрцаг 1036
Улаанбаатар 13

Cassandra Weiner, PCV
Post Office Box 1036
Central Post Office
Ulaanbaatar 13

This way the packages will go to Peace Corps and when I'm in UB to use the internet and what not it will be very easy to pick up! Thanks!

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