Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Never slow down, never grow old

So my school has a two week break coming up! Exciting right. I was going to relax, help out in the English Olympics, and take a trip to my old haunt in the Cho...but my director, the wonderful man, pimped me out to be an instructor for an Seminar catering to English teachers from the Western Providences (even told me to miss this next week of school so that I could participate in the entire first part). Now, opportunity wise this is going to be great! Its good experience to get under my belt, will look good on applications and what not. On the other hand, its work, a LOT of work...8 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 3 weeks. The other foreign teachers get a lovely $500 for their work. And me...that's right, I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer...I get a lovely pat on the back and thank you for coming. I know that sounds bitter, and sure it is kinda a hard deal to swallow, but then I think about the glorious 3 weeks of living with a hot shower, prepared meals, warm bed...and you know what I get giddy just thinking about it! I can visit the Cho later, really who want to take a 16hour bus ride in this once again cold weather (it has snowed a good 2inches today)? So I will try and "gournal" while I'm at the tourist camp and then type it up when I get back to the big city. We will see.

I've still got the final remains of a cold that just loves me too much to go away, but I think that being in a steadily warm environment will finally kill it!

Happy Birthday to Meredith who is 22 today. Scary. Even scarier is the fact that I will be 24 in about 2 months. Yanna

Back to lesson planing!


Anonymous said...

it's called Olympiad in English and in Mongolian.
One entry found.

Main Entry: olym·pi·ad
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈlim-pē-ˌad, ō-\
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Middle English Olympias, from Latin Olympiad-, Olympias, from Greek, from Olympia, site of ancient Olympic Games
Date: 14th century
1: one of the 4-year intervals between Olympic Games by which time was reckoned in ancient Greece
2: a competition or series of competitions resembling an olympiad especially in variety or challenge

Jet said...

gee thanks ignorant self just called it what my Mongolian English teachers/fellow PCVs/PC Staff calls it...but we simply mustn't take colloquial language into account mustn't we? :::wiggles eyebrows:::

Liz said...

Hey, Cassandra, I doubt you remember me but I am your mom's old friend Liz and I just wanted to write you a quick note to tell you how sorry I am about Gregory. I still can't believe it and I can't imagine what you are feeling.

Also--I wanted to tell you how impressed I am that you are doing this--and I would love to keep in touch with you, if you would like, and see what you decide to do with your life. I'm on facebook so if you look up my name there you will find it--I'm a little nervous about putting my email address here.

You can also check out the website about my programs in Kosovo, Uganda and N Ireland--it's, and you can email through that.

Take care and I hope to hear from you but also understand that it might not be possible if you are too busy or have difficulty with internet access. The google email I used here isn't one that I ever check so don't email me there.

Liz Shropshire