Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm no good a.k.a. Mr. Ed is delish

My dear devoted readers, I'm sure you are feeling most neglected as it has been over a month since my last update, but I have to admit that I'm lazy and a bit boring of late so besides the fact that I'm perpetually on the verge of freezing to death in my sleep and have yet another respiratory infection, nothing much is new.

However, as its snowing right now and I'm inside my friends nice warm apartment, having just showered and eaten a delicious dinner I shall provide an interesting tale from the past month.


Having awoken one particularly chilly morning with a painfully full bladder, I ignored the cold and dashed to the outhouse to relieve myself. I made note of the density of the steam from my pee and the fact that the combined poo of the various inhabitants and visitors to our compound was starting to form a poolagmite (or would it be a poolagtite, I always for get which is which O_o). Winter was finally upon us. One my way back to my windowless ger, thus meaning that the inside temp is only slightly warmer than the outside temp, I noticed that there was a new addition to our compound...a beautiful brick red horse tethered to the fence. He must have arrived some time in the night. How lovely. Then I dressed in record time and was quickly on my way to my heated school. I taught an uneventful day of classes and then when home...

Now because the horse was such a new addition and because I was still half asleep/cold as all get up, its no surprise that I didn't realize it was missing. That was until I walked into my "family's" ger. Come here Cassandra. Come help me clean the horse intestines so we can finish cooking them. It's only logical that the innards of a horse will be much larger than those of a sheep. However, the actualization of this is a bit disturbing. Yet I didn't hesitate to squat down beside my "mom" and hold open one end of the former horse's large intestine so it could be cleaned, filled with blood, tied, and cooked. I don't know what this says about me.

That night around 7pm when I wandered out in the near pitch dark to get more wood to make a fire in a futile attempt to warm my ger, not only was I attacked by Puppy, but I found that when reaching blindly for chopped wood chunks, I actually encountered chopped horse leg chunks. Not to mention jaw chunks. This only freaked me out for a nano second. Again, not quite sure what this says about me.


That is all for now. I will try to be better in updating this month. Maybe make it my New Year's Resolution. Now for sleep!

p.s. horse meat is sooooo delish you should really try


Anonymous said...

Wasn't there something in "O Brother Where Art Thou" about eating a horse?

Anonymous said...

Certainly something in "Animal House" about cutting one up!

Anonymous said...

i just threw up a little in my mouth

Anonymous said...

I sense a reoccurring theme of poop here...


Anonymous said...

The horse thing doesn't surprise me about you. At all. :)