Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stupid Groundhog

So its snowing again....our heat streak must be over :::tear:::

Also since people seem to insist on sending me things (its perpetually christmas for me!) I've decided to update my list of things that I need since I suddenly find myself with enough lady products to last my whole two years here ^_~

Nerf Screaming Vortex (or other light weight durable outside sporty equiptment)
Children's Books
American Candy
Pictures of Yourself or America
No-Bake Cheesecakes (or things of a similar nature)
Flying Monkeys to do my evil wonderfully productive bidding
and of course the randomosity factor is always delightful!

now off to treck through the light snow and do some work O_o


Anonymous said...

How do I send somehthing to you?


Anonymous said...

No pop-tarts??? what kind is your favorite? Did you get a chance to make the bread mix I sent? was it o.k.???

Linda C.

Anonymous said...

Its so funny that you made this entry. I was just thinking of you and wondering what I could send you!!! Is your address up to date?
