Friday, July 13, 2007

quick update

this will be in list for as i only have 5 mins since the line was so long and i have to be home for dinner in an hour

cool things ive done:
took a shower!!!!!!!!!!!! in a real shower!!!!!!
ate blow torched goat
ate sheep tongue, nose, and an eyeball
learned a mongolian dance and poem
meet BX (mongolia's equivilant of justin timberlake)

things im worried about:
site placement in a month
learning enough mongolian to survive on my own
teaching (which starts on monday for me O_o)

things i really miss:
family and friends
being really clean
drinks other than water, tea, or milk

things i absolutly love about mongolia:
the sky
the people (so nice and accepting)
the food
how everyone (except me) manages to look like they stepped from the pages of a magazine
how novel and exciting everything is
how the sun sets at 10:30pm

things i would love to have if you want to send me:
bathroom supplies (lotion, shampoos, tampons, soap, etc)
school supplies (any and all as we wont get any for teaching O_o)
baby wipes
hand sanitizer
soft tp
dvds (as i have access to players here but no shower, crazy huh)
bug repellant
a pillow
recipies (that involve basic food stuffs)
spices/luxury food goods
any thing else

I will be in UB in about a month and will be able to buy and send things then if anyone wants me to get them anything (within reason) let me know what and where to send it to and i will see what i can do

okay all ... time to catch a machine back to Heraldo (my town ^_^) before the fam gets worried

peace! ^_^v

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