Tuesday, April 24, 2007

That's "Ursprache" in German, Dr. Dorian

Today while picking up my tickets for graduation it hit me ... I'm about to enter the real world, and what a strange world it will be. In my spare time I have been reading up on Mongolia and have already fallen half in love with the "land of blue sky." Yet, at the same time I'm starting to really miss America (despite still being here). For instance, I can't shake my irrational "fear" that I'm about to go two years and not be able to eat a real peanut butter and jelly sandwich (because come on, we all know that pb&js are a consumptive corporeal embodiment of the American dream ^_~). Despite this, I'm getting really excited (and just a bit nervous) about leaving sooooo soon. Like my Aspiration Statement says, "the knowledge and experience I will gain in Mongolia will go a long way in helping define the individual I will become."

However, if I plan on even making it to Mongolia, I need to pass all my finals and graduate ... so it is off to bed to dream of distant lands, exotic peoples, and debating Zach Braff about Lexicostatistical Glottochronology (yes I actually dreamt that ... hahaha ... I found it very interesting if just a bit strange, blame it on watching Scrubs while studying).


Anonymous said...

Hi Cassandra! I'm heading for Mongolia this June with the PC. Sounds like you are too. Yay! What's your project? I am in TEFL. Where are you from? I guess we'll all be in Atlanta together within a month. Cheers to you, Sarah

Anonymous said...

p.s. my email is sarah.charlotte at gmail.com, blog is silkroadfreeways.wordpress.com