Monday, June 22, 2009

Aaviin Bayariin Mend Hurgie!!!!

"Happy Father's Day!" ... or rather a belated one, as I spent actual Father's Day at home, washing clothes, reading Pope Joan, and eating gamber (a traditional fried bread type thing).

I know it's been a while since I updated, but very little seems worth updating, as I'm currently living in limbo trapped in UB. (Shuree, my best Mongolian friend got mugged and robbed, so I loaned her money, and till payday don't have any extra traveling around funds...but she is safe and sound which is the more important thing).

I finally turned in round one of the veritable cornucopia of paperwork I need to fill out and hand in before I will be allowed to COS. Its more so busy work than anything else, but still, it took forever for me to finally sit down and just do it! I think it's the fact that I have to trek all the way to the PC office and then type it up and then trek home (okay so 15 minuets of walking is not really a trek, but it seems that way sometimes). I will be happy to get my own computer when I'm done with PC and be able to work from home.

Learning to "live without" these two years has changed my concept on what is really "essential" to life, but now that I have the option, I will be adding some luxury to my life. Though, considering my luck with phones in this country (the screen on my phone died somehow), I think I will stick with the 5000 tugrug (~$3.50) phone I bought to replace it. It calls, sends messages, its kinda cute...but mostly its sturdy and works.

I'm perpetually freaked out a little by the exponential growth of the foreigner population here in UB. Yes it is summer and it is tourist season, and it only makes sense but still, I don't's a bit strange, I feel almost more Mongolian than foreign at times. But, then I get frustrated at my boyfriend, his mom, his friends, my Mongolian friends who come over and leave there nasty chewed up gum where ever they want (hello people!!!! trash cans?!?!?!!?), and know that I'm foreign to the core.

Okay, well that's all for now. Will try to do something exciting so I can write about it for you all.