A chill has come to the Cho, and I personally love it! The time for long johns is quickly approaching! In addition to the delightful chill is the gentle autumn breeze. And by gentle I mean slightly less than gale force, whipping the sand into a frenzy, coating everything with dust, and eroding your hope of ever being truly clean O_o. Oh well, at least I get to wear cute hats.
I am currently writing a text book for work did I mention that? It is for hairstylists/make-up artists/massage therapists. It is an interesting endeavor, full of temptation. I can model conversations in my text however I would desire. How I would love to riddle the text with insane Cassandra slang. Thus far I have been able to resist, however I am only on unit 1 of 15. I did give in and use names of friends and family back home when construction conversations and exercises!
I have gained a rather global community of friends since coming to the Cho, which currently contains a French Farmer; a Scottish Health worker; a white South African born in Zimbabwe, spent the last 12 years in London but has an Irish passport; two from the Netherlands; my 6 fellow Peace Corpsers; and of course the Mongolians! As Kenny says, "I'm sure there is a joke in there somewhere!"
My sister Meredith leaves for England today. I'm a bit envious. But then I think to myself if I were in England, I wouldn't be in Mongolia, and this is the perfect country for me.... Why?
Mongolians collect bags, just like I do. You never know when a plastic bag will come in handy.
You can wear whatever you want here and its okay, in fact its cool as you are the foreigner (even my old lady BlueBlocker sunglasses are a hit)!
Hot water and electricity are somewhat sporadic. Real showers are a thing of the past, and somehow I really enjoy the heating water on a hotplate then essentially sponge bathing.
The weather is just gorgy!!!!! Sure it gets you wicked dirty walking through a cyclone of dust, but man alive is it ever invigorating.
Mullets. They are everywhere and I've grown to love them as they always make me smile.
Time to go home and vacuum (yes I bought a vacuum, how adult of me I know!), Jasmine is in from the countryside and we are having her birthday party at my place. And instead of cake....deep fried mars bars! Oh Mongolia, Bi chamd khairstai!